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Picture Me Here (PMH) is a storytelling program for refugees, immigrants and others who have been displaced. Photography, video, animation and writing are taught as creative tools for self expression, social engagement, community building, leadership, and integration. Projects are based on a variety of themes including migration, memory and place. Participants explore and share their personal histories, cultural identities, new surroundings and resettlement experiences. They build skills in technology, English language, leadership, and public speaking. Projects culminate in exhibits, screenings and events that bring together diverse groups to view photographs, hear stories and build new connections.


PMH is a program of Lighthouse Writers Workshop. Our programming is made possible by grants and donations.

To discover ways you can contribute, click here. Thank you for your interest and support of PMH and Lighthouse!


Video about our fellowship program by Goshen Carmel (2018 Mentor and Fellow)

Animation by 2018 Fellows

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